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Trendy Tuesday: Deep Red Winter Lips

Few things complement a holiday party dress quite like ruby red lips. This winter, when the weather gets colder and the world gets whiter, dress up your lips in deep shades of cranberry and plum. This popular trend will add the perfect touch of elegance to the holiday season.

We carry some of our favorite lip shades right here in our pampered. store! If you haven't heard of Lord & Berry's 3-in-1 twisticks yet, allow us to rave for a minute! These unique lipsticks combine the benefits of a lip balm, color lipstick, and smoothing gloss into one. That means you can dress up your lips with the perfect holiday shade while also protecting them from getting chapped in the cold, dry air! And we aren't even to the best part yet! These twisticks are also paraben and talc free, presented in an easy twist-up crayon design, and they provide bright, long-lasting color. 

Check out some of our favorite twistick winter shades!

 Shut-Up Shade
 Arizona shade

 On Stage Shade
So, whether you choose a shade of plum, berry, burgundy, rose, or cherry, a commitment lip will take any ordinary winter's day and transform it into something special! 


Must-Have Monday: Waxelene

During the winter, our lips and hands can never get enough moisture. Dry, flaky skin is the plague of the season, especially for those of us here in Utah! While some can be found piling on the vaseline, those of us at pampered. will be piling on the waxelene instead!

Waxelene is the all-natural petroleum jelly alternative. It is made of organic soybean oil, organic rosemary oil, natural vitamin E, and natural beeswax. That's it! No unnatural ingredients or petroleum! Plus, it has the sweet smell of beeswax and rosemary. To say we can't get enough would be an understatement.

The benefits? Other than moisturizing properties, it helps nourish, heal damaged skin, and prevent aging.

Yes, please!


Fabulous Friday: All About Lashes

It has been said that our eyes are the window into our souls. Since the dawn of time, our eyes have been used as tools to communicate, flirt, and attract. It's no wonder we women use our lashes to enhance our eyes! When it comes to eyelashes, the more voluminous, dark, and lengthy, the better! There are few things more striking than bold lashes, which is why we have so many options when it comes to eyelash products.

Today we want to let you know about some of the incredible JAPONESQUE® eyelash products we carry in our shop that can help make your lashes look absolutely fabulous!

Power Eyelash Curler: This may look like your run-of-the-mill eyelash curler, but it is much more dreamy and effective. The innovative, articulated pivot always moves in a straight line, allowing it to apply consistent pressure at exactly the right place for a natural, stunning curl. You can always be sure to be sporting your best-looking lashes with this tool under your belt!

Heated Lash Curler: Yup, you read that right. This awesome tool gently curls your lashes with heat, giving them the perfect lift! And the best part is that it's battery powered, so you can take it with you in your purse when you're out and about!

Precision Lash Definer: Sick of mascara causing your lashes to clump together? This genius tool is designed to glide through mascara-coated lashes to define and separate them, making them look more natural and striking.

Fake Eyelashes: In need of the perfect fake lashes? Japonesque's eyelashes in basic black are hand-crafted with precision to perfectly blend into and enhance your lash line, providing both volume and length. 

Lash Placement Tool: Placing those fake lashes in the exact right place so they look real and stay put can be quite the chore! For those of you who need a little extra help and want more visibility when placing your lashes, this is the tool for you! The placer is contoured perfectly to the shape of the eye.

Have a favorite eyelash product you can't leave the house without? Let us know in the comments section below!


Beauty Tip Thursday: Cramp Relief

Bloating, cramps,'s no wonder we prefer to be cozied up on the couch with a heating pad whenever that time of month comes around! Feeling beautiful can be hard when you just want to curl up in a ball, which is why we thought it would be fun to dedicate a post to helping you relieve those cramps and aches so you can feel beautiful at every time of the month!

Here are some of our favorite natural tips for relieving menstrual cramp pain:
  1. Heat: Start your morning off with a hot bath or shower. Heat helps improve blood flow and decrease pain. Drugstores also carry stick-on heat packs that you can use when you're out and about!
  2. Avoid caffeine: Unlike heat, caffeine constricts blood flow and can increase pain. So, if you're really struggling with severe cramps, set aside the coffee or diet coke and trade it in for a nice tall glass of water!
  3. Yoga: Bending and stretching can do wonders for relief from cramps. There are even specific poses that target the lumbar region and pelvis, such as the cobra and bow poses. 
  4. Get moving: The better shape you're in, the less likely you are to suffer from extreme menstrual cramps. Exercise also releases endorphins which don't take away pain, but they can definitely help you forget about it a little!
  5. Essential oils: Our 21 Drops Detox oil is the perfect remedy to help ease your aches, dispel nausea, and ease water retention. Drop it in your purse and apply it throughout the day to help refresh! We promise you will feel better and more beautiful in no time!
Once your cramps have been muted, the bloating has gone down, and those endorphins are improving your mood, you can feel as beautiful as always in spite of your monthly visitor! Know of any other effective solutions for cramps and bloating? Let us know in the comments section below!


Trendy Tuesday: En Pointe

We are loving this season's latest trend: luminous skin, lengthy lashes, light pink cheeks, and swept-back dancer buns. Many of the runway models at autumn/winter fashion shows were ballerina perfect and countless celebrities have been sporting the same timeless look.

The best part about this elegant look is how easy it is to recreate! Keep your makeup simple, focusing on clean lines and bold lashes. Start with a moisturizing primer like LAFACE PROTÉGÉR to give your skin that dewy glow, dust on a little powder and blush (we love Antonym's baked blush), and finish off with a thick coat of some dark black mascara like Lola Lash by Antonym to make your eyes pop! Then sweep your hair back in a ballerina bun and your look will be complete!


Must-Have Monday: LA Splash Eyeshadow Base

Today's post is all about helping you revolutionize your everyday makeup routine. If you haven't yet discovered how incredible (and essential) eyeshadow base is for vibrant, long-lasting wear, you are in for some game-changing news!

The main purpose of sealer or eyeshadow base is to intensify the color of your eyeshadow, ensuring it adheres well to your eyelid. It also helps provide an even, smooth canvas for your eyeshadow to sit on. In the picture below, the three shades on the left were applied on top of LA Splash's Eyeshadow Base and the three on the right were just applied straight to skin. 

More vibrant, intense color isn't the only purpose of sealers! Sealers can also help make your eyeshadow last ALL day. That's right, no more need to carry your makeup bag in your purse for frequent touch-ups. We aren't kidding when we say this stuff works wonders for helping your makeup look as incredible at 8 p.m. as it did when you first put it on at 8 a.m.! See why we are obsessed!?

Here at pampered. we love LA Splash's Eyeshadow Base/Sealer. It goes on clear, is even and smooth, and works wonders for vibrancy and wear. Oh, and the best part is that it's only $7.99 and will last months, if not longer! A little bit goes a long way with sealers! 

 LA Splash Sealer

Trust us when we say this is a worthy must-have product! Already tried it? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!


Must-Have Monday: Sumbody's Milky Rich Body Soap

 Milky Rich Body Soap

We are going crazy over everything sumbody here at pampered!! All of their incredible products are handmade, natural, and pure—not to mention they smell amazing! However, today we want to focus on one product in particular: Milky Rich Body Soap. Trust us when we say it is a MUST-HAVE!
This all-natural body soap is gentle, hypoallergenic, nonirritating, perfect for all skin types, and enriched with many natural ingredients including olive oil, coconut oil, goat milk, and aromatherapeutic essential oils. The result? Heaven in a bar of soap! Unlike regular detergent soaps that strip your skin of all its natural oils and cause dehydration, redness, and itchiness, sumbody's soaps clean while protecting your skin's natural oils. This allows your skin to get clean without getting dry and exposed. 
Milky Rich's shining ingredient is the goat milk. Easily metabolized, it deeply penetrates to moisturize and nourish while also soothing any irritations on the surface. If you have dry, sensitive, or damaged skin, this soap is the answer you've been looking for.
This fall, ditch the mass-produced, unnatural soaps that plague your skin with dryness and itchiness and give one of sumbody's handmade products a try. Your skin will love you for it!